Raising Babies Around The World



I met Dwi while travelling in Bali a while ago and I was luckily enough to talk to her about what it was like having her first baby, Bintang. He was three weeks old and slept beautifully throughout the entire interview. Although Dwi was awesome at speaking English, I realised soon into the interview that she would feel more relaxed if she could speak in Indonesian. So I asked her the questions in English and she replied in Englsh or Indonesian. Now and then my driver would chime in if we were having difficulty understanding one another! I loved talking to Dwi about the concept of what a 'real mother' was and also how we found commonalities around things like Googling our kids' illnesses etc on the internet. She also spoke to me a little about Balinese ceremonies for babies and I found out some amazing stuff about the rules of reincarnation....

Dwi tells me a little about some of the Balinese ceremonies for babies.

Dwi talks about how she settles Bintang down when he's upset.

Dwi chats about how Bintang's dad is involved in raising his son.

Dwi talks about what it's like to be three weeks a new mum!

Dwi talks about how she alternates with formula and breast milk to feed Bintang.

Introducing Dwi and Bintang from Denpasar, Bali. Dwi talks about needing to have a caesarian and how that impacted on her identity as a mum.


This is the first circle of women to share their candid stories. We touch on gender equality and division of labour, natural versus gimme the drugs births, sleep deprivation and the age old quandary of figuring out how to feed your baby. From late term losses, to single parenting, sex and how to sustain a creative career; Renae, Kellea, Adi, Amy, Katya and Sara get stuck into the nitty gritty of navigating motherhood in the Western World, 21st Century style! 

Katya and Sara discuss how they're working out how to feed their newborn babies.

Adi talks about birthing her daughter Isabel naturally & what happened after Isabel suffered an infection post birth.

LBGT activist Kellea talks about how her and her husband divide up the work of raising Lola.

Amy talks candidly about who helps her look after her son Byron.

Katya and Sara are both writers and talk about how pregnancy and early motherhood affects their writing.

Kellea shares a brave, tragic and incredible story about the birth of her daughter Lola.

Kellea talks about how she feeds Lola.

Kellea talks about how she coped after losing her baby at 22 weeks.

Adi talks about how her relationship with her parents has changed since having Isabel.

Amy talking about fear and love and how her life has changed since having Byron.

Amy talks about co-sleeping with Byron.

Sara & Katye on who does what in the household and having extended families far away. MORE >

What is Hatch?

Hatch is a collection of stories told by women world-over who are in that transformative time in the first year of becoming a mother. It’s the big picture stuff about giving life, raising babies and what it means to be a mother, told through the minutiae of day-to-day experience.

Hatch is the brainwave of Renae Turner, a mother slash video & digital producer from Melbourne, Australia

The grand plan for Hatch is to cover stories from all over the world. We want to talk to ethnically, culturally and socially diverse women to connect the dots between how we raise our kids. Hatch is not - a ‘how to parent’ website. 

Get in touch if you want to be interviewed or be a correspondent for Hatch! renae@fidgetfriend.com


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